Your One-Stop Solution for All Your Book Marketing Needs

Generate all marketing assets for your book in minutes

Save up to 30 hours per book

  • Reading: 5 to 7 hours

  • Back of the Book Summary: 2 to 4 hours

  • Synopsis: 2 to 3 hours

  • Target Audience, Genres, Themes: 1 to 2 hours

  • Book Tropes: 1 to 2 hours

  • SEO-Optimized Keywords: 3 to 5 hours

  • Recent Bestsellers Review and Comparisons: 3 to 5 hours

  • Narrative Crossroads: 1 to 2 hours

  • Ad Copy and Press Release Templates: 2 to 3 hours

Shorten Publishing Cycles

Reinvest your hours in creative and strategic initiatives

What's in the report

Back of the book summary, synopsis, target audience, SEO keywords, comparisons, and more...


  • SEO-Optimized Keywords

  • Target Audience

  • Genres

  • Themes

  • Tropes

Accelerated Discovery

  • Back of the book summary

  • Synopsis

  • Sales Pitch

  • Press Release Template

  • Ad Copy Template


  • Comparisons with recent bestsellers

  • Similarities and differences

  • Narrative crossroads with books and movies

Sample Reports

Check it out for yourself. Download a sample report.

The Casual Vacancy
J.K. Rowling

To Kill a Mockingbird
Harper Lee

Get Report

Upload your manuscript and receive the report in your inbox in minutes.

  • Back of the book summary

  • Synopsis

  • Sales Pitch

  • SEO-Optimized Keywords

  • Target Audience

  • Genres

  • Themes

  • Tropes

  • Comparisons with recent bestsellers

  • Narrative crossroads with books and movies

  • Press Release Template

  • Ad Copy Template

$24.99 per report

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How is the report obtained?
Different techniques are employed for different sections of the report but this wouldn't have been possible without using large language models.
Is my data going to be used to train other models?
No! Your data will be fed to a model to process it but it will not be used to train any model. The manuscript and all the information associated with it will be deleted after 30 days.

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How long will it take to receive the report?
Please allow 20-30 minutes to receive the report in your inbox. Also, don't forget to check the spam folder too.


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